I've had a tattoo design in mind for years now. I was going to get it done back in ~2004, but my car was broken into and one of my make-up kits was stolen. I had to use the money I had ear marked for the ink to repair the car and never *did* quite have the money to replace the make-up.
The problems I'm encountering with getting the work done fall into three categories:
1> I need a good concept artist to translate what I want into something I can show other people.
2> I need a good tattoo artist who can take that concept and make it exactly what I want.
3> Money (or a total lack there of in the disposable income department).
Back when I lived in Toronto, and we're going back to the early 2000's here, I had a deal worked out with the guys who worked at the local Pizza Pizza. They were crazy about getting tattoos, but rarely could they decide on a single design for very long. The solution we came up with was for me to do temporary versions of what they were interested in so they could "test drive" the ink before they committed to it. In exchange for this they gave me, basically, all the free pizza I could eat.
In retrospect, I wish I'd found out whose shop they frequented - maybe I could have worked out a similar deal with them.
The problems I'm encountering with getting the work done fall into three categories:
1> I need a good concept artist to translate what I want into something I can show other people.
2> I need a good tattoo artist who can take that concept and make it exactly what I want.
3> Money (or a total lack there of in the disposable income department).
Back when I lived in Toronto, and we're going back to the early 2000's here, I had a deal worked out with the guys who worked at the local Pizza Pizza. They were crazy about getting tattoos, but rarely could they decide on a single design for very long. The solution we came up with was for me to do temporary versions of what they were interested in so they could "test drive" the ink before they committed to it. In exchange for this they gave me, basically, all the free pizza I could eat.
In retrospect, I wish I'd found out whose shop they frequented - maybe I could have worked out a similar deal with them.