So a couple I know are just about to break up - they're in that difficult "we've pretty much decided to split up and move out, we just haven't said it yet" phase.
Thing is - I know the guy cheated on her about a month ago (and has admitted so to various people), and although she knows "about" her, she doesn't know the extent of what happened.
I know it's none of my business at all, and I wont say anything, but I really am torn. If she knew, it might help her get over him, on the other hand, I know how painful it feels, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, maybe ignorance is bliss.
So a couple I know are just about to break up - they're in that difficult "we've pretty much decided to split up and move out, we just haven't said it yet" phase.
Thing is - I know the guy cheated on her about a month ago (and has admitted so to various people), and although she knows "about" her, she doesn't know the extent of what happened.
I know it's none of my business at all, and I wont say anything, but I really am torn. If she knew, it might help her get over him, on the other hand, I know how painful it feels, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, maybe ignorance is bliss.
If ignorance was really that blissful, the world would be a MUCH happier place !!