I dont read enough
Today at work I compiled a list of books that I feel I've missed. There's 50 on the list, in no discernible order, and I'm going to try at least most of them in the coming year. I hope. Any comments, suggestions welcome.
1. Crime and Punishment
2. Steppenwolfe
3. Through the looking glass
4. The Trial
5. The cairo Trilogy - Mahfouz
6. one hundred years of solitude
7. The Glass Bead Game - Hesse
8. The handmaid's tale
9. Nausea
10. The Voyeur - Robbe - Gillet
11. The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki
12. The Waste Land
13. Canterbury Tales
14. Paradise Lost
15. Ulysses
16. A la recherche de temps perdu
17. Tess of the D'Urbivilles
18. (FINISH) brave new world!! (started it about 4 times)
19. Necromancer
20. On the origin of species
21. A year in Provence
22. Decline and Fall of the Roman Emperor
23. Metamorphoses - Ovid and Kafka
24. We
25. The castle - kafka
26. Lady Chatterly's Lover
27. Burmese Days
28. The Myth of Sisyphus
29. The Fall
30. Doctor Faustus
31. I, Robot + Foundation - Assimov
32. On the road
33. Cat's Cradle
34. Catch 22
35. one flew over cuckoo's nest
36. In cold blood
37. 2001: a Space odyssy
38. Slaughterhouse 5
39. Rights of passage
40. Down and out in Paris and London
41. the name of the rose
42. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
43. An Artist of the floating world
44. Never let me go
45. Chekov plays
46. Hunger - Hamsen
47. A dolls house - ibsen
48. The great gatsby
49. Madame Bovary
50. On the Beach - Nevil Shute
Today at work I compiled a list of books that I feel I've missed. There's 50 on the list, in no discernible order, and I'm going to try at least most of them in the coming year. I hope. Any comments, suggestions welcome.
1. Crime and Punishment
2. Steppenwolfe
3. Through the looking glass
4. The Trial
5. The cairo Trilogy - Mahfouz
6. one hundred years of solitude
7. The Glass Bead Game - Hesse
8. The handmaid's tale
9. Nausea
10. The Voyeur - Robbe - Gillet
11. The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki
12. The Waste Land
13. Canterbury Tales
14. Paradise Lost
15. Ulysses
16. A la recherche de temps perdu
17. Tess of the D'Urbivilles
18. (FINISH) brave new world!! (started it about 4 times)
19. Necromancer
20. On the origin of species
21. A year in Provence
22. Decline and Fall of the Roman Emperor
23. Metamorphoses - Ovid and Kafka
24. We
25. The castle - kafka
26. Lady Chatterly's Lover
27. Burmese Days
28. The Myth of Sisyphus
29. The Fall
30. Doctor Faustus
31. I, Robot + Foundation - Assimov
32. On the road
33. Cat's Cradle
34. Catch 22
35. one flew over cuckoo's nest
36. In cold blood
37. 2001: a Space odyssy
38. Slaughterhouse 5
39. Rights of passage
40. Down and out in Paris and London
41. the name of the rose
42. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
43. An Artist of the floating world
44. Never let me go
45. Chekov plays
46. Hunger - Hamsen
47. A dolls house - ibsen
48. The great gatsby
49. Madame Bovary
50. On the Beach - Nevil Shute
you put the unbearable lightness of being on there twice. probably because you're subconsciously aware of its amazingness.
Ha, you're right, well I'll cheat and replace one of them with the Icelandic saga I just finished today! Then i'm one done, 49 to go!