Ugh, I feel like shit at the moment. Modelling is good and all, but its so bitchy. And not from other models. its the photographers! One is currently bitching about me in a model site forum, cos I wouldnt work to his levels for half pay. He's a newbie, he has two photos on his portfolio! Im not good at ignoring people when they're being asses. It gets me down and it shouldnt. I've done nothing wrong!
Plus today starts my week of working stupid shifts at the pub. I'm on as part time, yet this week coming i have 6 shifts! Thats not part time! If they cant start giving me better hours, i'm gonna have to quit, I cant work school and that job, even if they are currently short staffed.
Plus today starts my week of working stupid shifts at the pub. I'm on as part time, yet this week coming i have 6 shifts! Thats not part time! If they cant start giving me better hours, i'm gonna have to quit, I cant work school and that job, even if they are currently short staffed.
J'espre que a va aller, courage...

I love you fish fish!