London on an early summer evening. The air feels alive. A chatter of North African French takes me back to Marseille, the Panier quarter. The warm dusk, the exotic smells. Dark comes reluctantly as I make my way, step by step, from Poplar to Whitechapel. I skip through the streetlight puddles - the roar of East London rushes to greet me. Friday night in streets...
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Sometimes I just want to stand up and claim this city. Yelling as loud as I can that I live here, this is my city. There's that moment where you just slip into it, submerged, and feel so connected to every fucking thing.
I may not know who I am or where I'm going but I know where I am, and that's a start.
I may not know who I am or where I'm going but I know where I am, and that's a start.
Some suitcases are so fucking hard to pack
I work in a small team of 4, the other 3 are guys. It's really difficult cos I'm not "one of the lads" nor do I want to be, but it's getting really obvious that they've given up trying to include me in their team. I think I lost it when I said I didn't eat at KFC. I don't think they're being malicious,...
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I work in a small team of 4, the other 3 are guys. It's really difficult cos I'm not "one of the lads" nor do I want to be, but it's getting really obvious that they've given up trying to include me in their team. I think I lost it when I said I didn't eat at KFC. I don't think they're being malicious,...
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I found a good book of poems a few days ago, about "journeys". Perhaps unsurprisingly, after not very long, I was moved to tears. Some were the more well known, The Road Not Taken, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening or Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night - but many I hadn't read before, including this one below, really rang with...
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too true,
great poem. i'm really into Pablo Neruda at the moment. very raw and brash. i love it :-)
"Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life"
Pablo Neruda
great poem. i'm really into Pablo Neruda at the moment. very raw and brash. i love it :-)
"Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life"
Pablo Neruda
Why does everyone keep calling him "my partner"??
He's my HUSBAND, as I keep saying!
Heck, I married him, I'm the one who does his washing and buys his beer, give me some credit dammit!
He's my HUSBAND, as I keep saying!
Heck, I married him, I'm the one who does his washing and buys his beer, give me some credit dammit!
Howdy partner, let's go rustle us some cattle!

"We've got two days to get to the border, then if they let us across, it's on to Burma, and depending on government restrictions, we'll head south..."
My friend travelling in Asia right now.
I want adventures again. I want to run.
The hubby worries that it's him I'm running from. It's really not. It's the planned out life - the money that we need...
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My friend travelling in Asia right now.
I want adventures again. I want to run.
The hubby worries that it's him I'm running from. It's really not. It's the planned out life - the money that we need...
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My boss came back from his break today smelling of pot. My office is falling apart - a hot stuffy basement and a tense stressful working atmosphere, it's not exactly been the best environment. How are you meant to experiment and find a career you really love when you have to make sure you earn enough to live in london? They told us we could...
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Just turned down a very lucrative modelling job, with a photographer I really like. (His wife makes the best tea, and the baby is just so cute!)
I told myself I was going to get out of the industry and get a "proper job" or I never would. I was clean for a year, no shoots, cut ties. If I slip back now there's...
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Just turned down a very lucrative modelling job, with a photographer I really like. (His wife makes the best tea, and the baby is just so cute!)
I told myself I was going to get out of the industry and get a "proper job" or I never would. I was clean for a year, no shoots, cut ties. If I slip back now there's...
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Was lucky, stopped raining just before we got there, started again just as we got back (popped into a nice little pub for a pint too).
Canterbury's strange. It has a lot of really nice old buildings (not just the Cathedral), very picturesque in places, and some nice bistros, delis etc. But it's also a town with a population, so has the usual high street with McDs, Boots, breasy spoons, etc. The Cathedral's very impressive if you like that sort of thing. (Though 7.50 to get in!) I'll post some pics when I get them sorted.
Canterbury's strange. It has a lot of really nice old buildings (not just the Cathedral), very picturesque in places, and some nice bistros, delis etc. But it's also a town with a population, so has the usual high street with McDs, Boots, breasy spoons, etc. The Cathedral's very impressive if you like that sort of thing. (Though 7.50 to get in!) I'll post some pics when I get them sorted.
This part of town is so odd. Where is everyone? Acres of new modern flats, and no-one on the streets. I have huge urban skyscapes all to myself. The illuminated skyscrapers on Canary Wharf sharing a horizon with 19th century dock buildings. The lights are on, everyone's home, but no-one's here. Did I miss the cataclysm ? What happened to my bustling streets of E1?...
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Did you not see 28 days later? They've all got the rage...
We're grown up now I guess. If that even means anything. Dropped nearly a month's wages at IKEA, and now have all our own furniture for the first time. I'm commuting with the suited and booted herds every morning, and I've seen N grow into his new management role. It's ever such a subtle change, but I can see it. He feels older somehow, more...
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Ahh, 'good old' Ikea, all that BOO, and UKNAB, GURN and TWONK (I just made those up, but they all sound a bit like that don't they). The only furniture I own is Ikea bookshelves. They're not very comfortable to sleep on.

In response to your questions, read my blog from tonight.
So an update on real life, such as it is...
Moved into the new flat yesterday. It's 2 stops on the DLR from Canary Wharf, and I went exploring there this evening and got completely lost trying to get back to the DLR station. It's such a maze! Totally fascinating though, the whole energy of the place is so foreign to me, and yet not....
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Moved into the new flat yesterday. It's 2 stops on the DLR from Canary Wharf, and I went exploring there this evening and got completely lost trying to get back to the DLR station. It's such a maze! Totally fascinating though, the whole energy of the place is so foreign to me, and yet not....
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I like the space beneath Heron Quays DLR! (I'll be shooting it again soon now I have a ultra-wide for my SLR)
Yeah, there are some cool underground stations I'd like to take photos of (e.g. Westminster) but London Underground make you pay for a permit, and the restrictions make it pointless (e.g. can't put images on internet). I thiink I can get away with it at Heron Quays (a few mins walk from Canary Wharf) as it appear to be a public underpass.