So today. Work sucked. Don't exactly know why....there were just a lot of obnoxious old people. Thank god I'm done though
no work again til next friday. Uploaded two more sets today-one that was just for fun and one for member and staff review. Hopefully those will go over well ^_^ Also-does anyone remember those Kid Cuisine frozen dinners from when we were kids? I totally got one today. My buddy and I were in Walmart, I saw em and was like HELL FUCKING YEAH. That shit's got the best pudding ever, not gonna lie. Not doing a whole hell of a lot right now, just putting off homework and i lit a candle. Things should liven up tonight one everyone else gets off of work. and god dammit the phone wont stop ringing!! at least it means i'm popular

you should totally go get one. with pudding.
DO IT!!!

Maybe I will Symba, maaaaaybe I will