i just got done watching most of the 3rd season the sex ans the city. i'm being careful to not watch an entire season in one day b/c i dont' want to get the phantom "sex and the city migrane". it really happens, i've heard it on several occasions. i like the show, too bad i'm likeing it now that it's over. that's what dvd's are for rite? i think it's kind of theriputic watching it... women just ogint through life, kinda makes me think that if i'm kinda like them when i'm in my thirties then that is ok. i'm also on a mission to get as much cheesy punk rock as i can get. i stepped on a piece of glass in the kitchen tonight. tweesers are my foots best friend. and a tip to everyone... if you get a glass shaving in your hand or foot or whatever and it's just too small to get with tweesers then soak your hand in a very cold bowl of water and it chould come out. the cold makes your pores constrict so it pushes it out on it's own. neat eh?
sometimes i feel good about my body and other times i feel so horrible. stupid girly thoughts i guess. i have no idea what to wear to this shower on sunday. it's my first friend who is getting maried and i'm in the wedding. what do you do? panic?
Don't..feel bad about your looks..I think your cute.
I love the pic of your dog...its almost like he knows its going to be a glamor shot.
Definitely up for the picnic..maybe I will bring variety packs of cereral, you know, like the different small boxes that are in a 6 pack. I love mixing those up.
[Edited on May 31, 2004 7:38PM]