there is some very sad news i have to tellyou all but there is some very happy news too... whitch is better to tell first. i'll tell the good first b/c you pry won't care as much.
i passed my A/P test!!!
i know, it's shocking but i did it! and... are you ready for this? at work today i finally got my review! and to my suprise a raise! not i get paid way too much for my job. but i do my job well and i'm a good person so it's ok. AND the other day at 6am i was yelling at the animals b/c they kept jumping on me and the bed fighting and i somehow in my yelling and squirting them i pulled all the muscles in my chest. it totally sucked and i could barely move, it hurt to do anything, i could barely even wash my hair. but! today i feel 90 times better and i barely hurt at all!
now for the bad news...
i just found out the elliot smith died today. he was found in his apt. almost dead with self inflicted knife wounds and died shortly there after. it's so sad. he was a great musician. poot.
i passed my A/P test!!!
i know, it's shocking but i did it! and... are you ready for this? at work today i finally got my review! and to my suprise a raise! not i get paid way too much for my job. but i do my job well and i'm a good person so it's ok. AND the other day at 6am i was yelling at the animals b/c they kept jumping on me and the bed fighting and i somehow in my yelling and squirting them i pulled all the muscles in my chest. it totally sucked and i could barely move, it hurt to do anything, i could barely even wash my hair. but! today i feel 90 times better and i barely hurt at all!
now for the bad news...
i just found out the elliot smith died today. he was found in his apt. almost dead with self inflicted knife wounds and died shortly there after. it's so sad. he was a great musician. poot.
into: you have listed walking my dog which messes with me
because i have freinds who call marijuana dog
and when they walk the dog, hehe.