yeah, i guess they went out the other night and got pretty drunk.
they didn't drive did they?
oh no
well they were ok but they thought it would be really funny if they drove home NAKED.
what!? no...
they got pulled over and all...
and she got a DUI and she was glad b/c they let her put her clothes back on when she got to jail.
what!!! (laughing, almost peed my pants)
so i guess this poor girl had to take the sobrity test naked! then i decided that if i ever got pulled over and were naked i would start crying automaticly and then get out of my car and do circles around it... crying...naked. funny. and 2. i was talking to this girl i work with and she had had a date the week before with some guy she'd met on the internet and they were supposed to go bowling so i ask her how it went and...
it went really well, we had a great time bowling but then he kinda freaked me out... we were sitting in my car after words and just talking and he was all "so what are you thinking about?" and i was like "well i'm kinda thinking about kissing you, do you want to get out of the car?" and he was like "we what kind of kiss do you want, like a kiss or romantic or like a full body kinda deal?" "i think i want a full body kiss" so we get out of the car and start kissing and it weirded me out b/c he was kinda grabing my head and going crazy with his tounge and i was kinda like "what the hell" but went with it. then... he grabs my face and makes it into and fish face and says " this is what i want to do to your clit!" and starts sucking on my lips and tounging them.
i tell you rite now i peed! that has to be the funnyest storyEVER "THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO TO YOUR CLIT!" HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! it makes me cry! who says that on a first date, or at all. if someone said that to me i think i would just laugh and them! needlest to say i laughed all night at work about it and teased her a lil' good stuff.
Ah, that's classic. Please tell me you let him, just cause of the face he made!
no! it wasn't me had made the face with it was my friend!!!