So @missy gave us another cool beans topic, to say how SG has changed our lives and how it has affected our self esteem and things, so..
I have been a Hopeful since December 2013, i have one set in MR called morning glory
Since joining SG i have evolved as a person, i have always been shy and worried about how people think of me..not anymore!!
Suicide Girls has changed me for the good, after plucking up the courage to show the world my body i'm now so glad i did!! I was worried people would be rude and say mean things but my how i was wrong!! SG is such a kind and loving community where people of all ages/shapes/sizes/cultures share the same love of alternative humans. Im so honored to be a hopeful and fingers crossed to one day be a full Suicide Girl.
I now wear my heart on my sleeve on here and have met so many inspirational and influential people who have made me look at my life in a new way, it does not matter if you do not conform to society's image of beauty, you are who you are and someone will always love you for that.
Now i am confident in my looks i am happier in my work/ my social life and my relationship.
SuicideGirls is such an amazing network and without it who know where i would be.
We are a family on here, i have come across people who have judged me for what i am doing here, there will always be haters. I have met people who have no idea what SG is about and assume it is hardcore porn and are disgusted by it..after me sitting them down, showing them the website and explaining what SG is actually about i have managed to win most of them over. I know have lots of support from friends and family after they realize what SG is about.
I am a strong believer that SG has helped so many males and females accept who they are and i thank you @missy and everyone else who runs this <3
stay sexy, get naked, be classy, Peace xx