Listening to P.J. Harvey right now while a mask dries on my face.
I had plans to be "productive" today, but ended up sleeping through most of the day... Well, at least most of the afternoon.
Read some Vonnegut, talked with E, and did my grocery shopping for the month. I suppose that's somewhat productive.
At some point, I am going to have to decide what I'm going to do for graduate school. It's difficult to decide what schools I want to apply to when I don't even know what I want to major in yet. I've changed my mind so many times... From creative writing to journalism, and now my latest and greatest love, archeology. I'm going to talk to a few advisors before I decide upon a program, and then I suppose I'll go wherever the money is.
I've been thinking about my bookstore friend, Ryan lately. I wanted to try to purchase some of my books for my summer classes from him, but he didn't answer the phone when I called. He is supposedly open from 11-7, but the majority of times I've stopped by or called in the past three months, he hasn't been there. Strange. I think that's a word I would use when describing him. Of course, he may just find me annoying...
I've been thinking about marriage and such lately, for no particular reason. I suppose I've been having some "nesting" instincts kicking in lately. Children are all of the sudden fascinating to me, and I have much more patience than I thought I was capable of. Although I'm having these urges, it's not like I'm going to accept any marriage proposals or become pregnant in the near future. I'd just like to know what hormones in my body are making me feel the way I do, and if things will change when I start taking birth control again.
I'm going through a huge transition right now. I am supposed to be working on a thesis this summer, completing it and my remaining classes in the fall, and gradutating in December. Then what? I'm not sure. Some days I panic and think I will never be able to make up my mind, but then I realize I'm being ridiculous (although sometimes it takes me a few hours and/or phonecalls).
Also, I'm moving in with my mom this summer, as she pays my rent anyway and decided that it would be more practical if she moved back to FL. I'm very glad that she's not instead insisting that I move back to Des Moines. I've been looking at houses with/for my mom, and I'm getting rather excited about moving out of my apartment. Also, my mom is traveling most of the time for her job, so I will be able to drive her car while she is gone. Did I mention I have a blessed life?
I had plans to be "productive" today, but ended up sleeping through most of the day... Well, at least most of the afternoon.
Read some Vonnegut, talked with E, and did my grocery shopping for the month. I suppose that's somewhat productive.
At some point, I am going to have to decide what I'm going to do for graduate school. It's difficult to decide what schools I want to apply to when I don't even know what I want to major in yet. I've changed my mind so many times... From creative writing to journalism, and now my latest and greatest love, archeology. I'm going to talk to a few advisors before I decide upon a program, and then I suppose I'll go wherever the money is.
I've been thinking about my bookstore friend, Ryan lately. I wanted to try to purchase some of my books for my summer classes from him, but he didn't answer the phone when I called. He is supposedly open from 11-7, but the majority of times I've stopped by or called in the past three months, he hasn't been there. Strange. I think that's a word I would use when describing him. Of course, he may just find me annoying...
I've been thinking about marriage and such lately, for no particular reason. I suppose I've been having some "nesting" instincts kicking in lately. Children are all of the sudden fascinating to me, and I have much more patience than I thought I was capable of. Although I'm having these urges, it's not like I'm going to accept any marriage proposals or become pregnant in the near future. I'd just like to know what hormones in my body are making me feel the way I do, and if things will change when I start taking birth control again.
I'm going through a huge transition right now. I am supposed to be working on a thesis this summer, completing it and my remaining classes in the fall, and gradutating in December. Then what? I'm not sure. Some days I panic and think I will never be able to make up my mind, but then I realize I'm being ridiculous (although sometimes it takes me a few hours and/or phonecalls).
Also, I'm moving in with my mom this summer, as she pays my rent anyway and decided that it would be more practical if she moved back to FL. I'm very glad that she's not instead insisting that I move back to Des Moines. I've been looking at houses with/for my mom, and I'm getting rather excited about moving out of my apartment. Also, my mom is traveling most of the time for her job, so I will be able to drive her car while she is gone. Did I mention I have a blessed life?
thanks for checking my set out!
good luck with that?/\