These pics...are overwhelming.That,is a realy pissed off volcanoe...the surrounding lands are suffering so..... im left thinking how powerful Mother Nature is...and this is one thing,in one part of the world...and the damaging repercussions...all i can conclude,if one is to try have a sense of humour about such things is that >if<Mother Nature decides to end the world >officialy< ...she will definitley do it with GUSTO,FLAIR,STYLE ...and in the most beautiful manner? "GRANDE FINALE"... Am i mad , naive ,for saying this?
it is out of our control anyway-at the end of the day.....but we have TODAY,NOW...and .all one needs to know is "yes,ive lived a life,it was INSANELY AWSOME,i did what i had to do,i suffered,tried,laughed.dreamed,cared,loved,gave,did your best..." but UNTIL THEN though -let's keep trying for a better world,non? Ghandi,what a maaan
said "everything you do in your life is insignificant,but its important that you do it anyway"
everysinglething in our everysingleday,is a fucking treasure someone else doesn't have/aches for.That thing you were thinking about doing? NOW OR NEVER i say,whats there to lose if there is such talk of EVERYTHING to be lost...Life is such a random bitch.
These pics...are overwhelming.That,is a realy pissed off volcanoe...the surrounding lands are suffering so..... im left thinking how powerful Mother Nature is...and this is one thing,in one part of the world...and the damaging repercussions...all i can conclude,if one is to try have a sense of humour about such things is that >if<Mother Nature decides to end the world >officialy< ...she will definitley do it with GUSTO,FLAIR,STYLE ...and in the most beautiful manner? "GRANDE FINALE"... Am i mad , naive ,for saying this?
it is out of our control anyway-at the end of the day.....but we have TODAY,NOW...and .all one needs to know is "yes,ive lived a life,it was INSANELY AWSOME,i did what i had to do,i suffered,tried,laughed.dreamed,cared,loved,gave,did your best..." but UNTIL THEN though -let's keep trying for a better world,non? Ghandi,what a maaan
everysinglething in our everysingleday,is a fucking treasure someone else doesn't have/aches for.That thing you were thinking about doing? NOW OR NEVER i say,whats there to lose if there is such talk of EVERYTHING to be lost...Life is such a random bitch.