"How are you?"
(too quickly)
(in an instant):
(Redefined came to mind,aaaages ago,this person you THINK you talking to,was
alive,Old testament;i
since it happened? New...
since it happened?
i just awoke,or fell asleep,to,an unexplored ,foreign,raw-you can taste the metal so new,world,other world,in all its entirety, a living, moving picture with lights too white and silence too still,fridges BUZZ louder! and the pains,the hurts,buzz burn and bring you down deeper.
in all its entirety;alien.alienating.
Getting up,every morning,mourning,"Good Morning!" from all angles that point out too much
and getting you down,down,deeper,and below into,again,going to bed
alone,at night... "you not alone,what about your friends?",no,alone,at night,despite that,still,alone.
And EVERYTHING,everysinglething -inbetween- are so,rightfully, playing its, theirs,they'res,his,hers
-hearse- rolling,just there,always given,showed off,showing self-proclaimed,untainted,buzzing vital little
roles rolling,in this movie,that im watching,this film (filming me)
now that is my life (that im in)
one i NEVER chose to watch,it just unfolded itself,so RUDELY,so FAST,in front of my eyes,i NEVER pressed play,God,and i DONT watch horrors.
...since it happened?...
Before and after,then and now,dayflashnight,sylvan now me
naive now humbled,summerflashwinter,loud now still
eager now unwanting,sure now uncertain,right now wrong,"was GOOD,thanks" now bad and beyond unclassifiable,acceptance now denial,fearless now stricken,struck,a mess,a muck,fuck-up.
whole now empty.PERFECtlyruined.Yang becme yin,coffee became gin
yes became no.)
i replied "im fine",with a smile thrown in.
How are you and your fam?
*My family tree has plenty of nuts
but loveable nuts really ... i think?
hmmm cape town, if i get the job that I'm hoping for then i might be going to cape town fairly often. Well Simonstown to be precise...