Planet Comicon was a blast! I got to meet my hero, Edward James Olmos. Although I felt like an idiot because I waited in line for two hours and when I got up there I realized I left my camera at the hotel room, so I paid for a crappy poor quality cell phone picture, lol. But it was better than nothing. And I got a signed picture. We actually stayed at the same hotel with him. We were hanging out in the Hotel lounge/bar area Saturday night and he was there walking around having a drink. And I shared an elevator with him. And he told me to have a good night. I would have talked to him, but he was on the phone. Plus I didn't want to creep him out and I don't think I could have gotten a word out with out blubbering like a twi hard. Lol.

I got to meet Robin Thorsen and Amy Okuda from The guild. They were also staying at the same hotel, and I actually ended up talking with them and hanging out for two hours or so. Robin kept handing me drinks, and even though I wasn't wanting to get drunk, who can say no to a famous actress. Lulz. She actually wants me to draw and send her a zombie picture, which is pretty awesome.

I Entered the costume contest. I didn't place, but it was my first time and I'm just proud of myself that I didn't pass out or trip when I was on stage. I actually have no clue what I did on stage, but luckily I found this video on YouTube and I think I did okay. I come on at about 1:40:
The Klingon chick took first and the Hunger Games girl took 2nd. Optimus Prime took Best for overall. I was kind of pissed that the Hunger games girl took second. I mean, it wasn't a bad costume and I know Hunger Games is topical right now, but some of the other contestants *cough*myself*cough* put a lot of work into their costume. And her's involved sewing on a patch and spray painting a bow. Oh well, I still had fun with it and I'll definitely enter more contests. =] I did have a lot of people come up to me after the contest and even all day Sunday telling me that I got robbed and should have won. But that's okay. It was still a blast. =]
I pretty much love this picture, but it was before we ran back to the hotel to get the camera, so sorry for crappy quality, again:

And now time for random pictures taken through out the weekend.

I think my costume came out okay. I had a lot of double takes, but I really wasn't topless. I even heard a few dudes saying, "Dude! Dude, look!" and the other guy had to tell him, "She's wearing a shirt." Lol. I new I would look pretty close to topless because I tested my shirt out before leaving for the convention. My brother was at my house, so I walked into the living room wearing it, and judging by his reaction, it was pretty convincing. =P
Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy my blog. I can't wait for the next convention. And I will keep you guys updated about my Tron set. As soon as I have a date, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

I got to meet Robin Thorsen and Amy Okuda from The guild. They were also staying at the same hotel, and I actually ended up talking with them and hanging out for two hours or so. Robin kept handing me drinks, and even though I wasn't wanting to get drunk, who can say no to a famous actress. Lulz. She actually wants me to draw and send her a zombie picture, which is pretty awesome.

I Entered the costume contest. I didn't place, but it was my first time and I'm just proud of myself that I didn't pass out or trip when I was on stage. I actually have no clue what I did on stage, but luckily I found this video on YouTube and I think I did okay. I come on at about 1:40:
The Klingon chick took first and the Hunger Games girl took 2nd. Optimus Prime took Best for overall. I was kind of pissed that the Hunger games girl took second. I mean, it wasn't a bad costume and I know Hunger Games is topical right now, but some of the other contestants *cough*myself*cough* put a lot of work into their costume. And her's involved sewing on a patch and spray painting a bow. Oh well, I still had fun with it and I'll definitely enter more contests. =] I did have a lot of people come up to me after the contest and even all day Sunday telling me that I got robbed and should have won. But that's okay. It was still a blast. =]
I pretty much love this picture, but it was before we ran back to the hotel to get the camera, so sorry for crappy quality, again:

And now time for random pictures taken through out the weekend.

I think my costume came out okay. I had a lot of double takes, but I really wasn't topless. I even heard a few dudes saying, "Dude! Dude, look!" and the other guy had to tell him, "She's wearing a shirt." Lol. I new I would look pretty close to topless because I tested my shirt out before leaving for the convention. My brother was at my house, so I walked into the living room wearing it, and judging by his reaction, it was pretty convincing. =P
Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy my blog. I can't wait for the next convention. And I will keep you guys updated about my Tron set. As soon as I have a date, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

Awesome pics! You did fucking kick planet comicons ass! I was there. You are such a badass lil lady!