I'm really loving this community. Everyone seems really nice and super awesome. I live in a small town full of conservative country folk, so I've never really felt like I fit in. But its really awesome to see so many people with similar interests! Anyway, just wanted to mention that.
Today I had my first paying customer. I've done several tattoos on family and close friends. But today I felt nervous all over again, and I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized she was a paying costumer. And even though she was getting it at half price (To let the apprentice work on them) I still had the jitters. Once I realized why I was nervous, I just reset the way I was thinking and told my self its just a canvas. I've done this before. Just do what I know. And it turned out great! Customer was super happy! Yay! Here's a picture:

Today I had my first paying customer. I've done several tattoos on family and close friends. But today I felt nervous all over again, and I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized she was a paying costumer. And even though she was getting it at half price (To let the apprentice work on them) I still had the jitters. Once I realized why I was nervous, I just reset the way I was thinking and told my self its just a canvas. I've done this before. Just do what I know. And it turned out great! Customer was super happy! Yay! Here's a picture:

Gratz.... Looks good
Thanks guys! I kinda felt bad because I didn't realize her hand was there holding her pants down for me and I got ink all over her. >.< Oh well, I guess that's part of the learning process.