Tommorrow,I'm gonna start baking for Thursday.I always look forward to baking for the holidays.
One of these years I'll make something special for the pets.Today,my sweetheart bought me the 'Hairspray' locker DVD set...but I can't have it until Christmas
Oh well,it gives me something to look forward to.
I'm getting A's in school so far.
I'm very happy with that.(I'm hoping things stay that way) I just have to stay focused....What are your plans for Thursday?
I'm getting A's in school so far.
I'm getting on a train at like 10:45 in the damn morning all the way to Woodstock, getting picked up by...someone (either my dad of one of my sisters)...going to my aunt's, eating ridiculous amounts of food while watching football
, getting back on the train so that my family can get on the road and go to the farm, and coming back home...hopefully with lots of leftovers!
That's my day in a nutshell....exciting, I know