I love watching old T.V shows.I have a cold,so I took the day off,and I watched old reruns.Sometimes there's nothing like a classic.Although I like new shows as well.I normally don't watch a lot of T.V,but I love to sip hot tea under a blanket and watch t.v when i have a cold in the winter.(sniffle)Other than that,i thought I say hi
yeah... so much for our snowboarding excursions. i do enjoy not shoveling and messing with all the salt, but i am a sucker for a white xmas. we'll see!?
good luck w/ the shopping! we also HAVE to watch 'muppet christmas carol' and 'elf' and 'it's a wonderful life' or it just ain't christmas. especially since we won't have a white xmas again [just a little bitter]. merry christmas to you too!