Between working on the lawn, working on the Blazer, and roasting pork on my grill (many maple branches gave their carbon so I could have tasty tasty meat ), I found time to watch a few movies. A list with brief reviews follows:
- Flesh Gordon I have yet to finish it. I started it last night but had to interrupt myself to cook dinner. I will probably watch Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders shortly thereafter. The former my father spoke of in mildly glowing terms. The latter I watched a while ago while drunk, so I don't remember how much of a cheeseball it is.
- Juno It was...decent. Not amazing, not shitty, just "ehh".
- Alice in Wonderland No no, not the cartoon; this is the 1976 porno musical. For a man whose taste in acting tends towards the dramatic rather than the orgasmic, this flick is a keeper.
- The fourth episodes of Doctor Who & Doctor Who Confidential. The Sontarans are back! On a related note, Catherine Tate doesn't bovver me nearly as much as I thought she would. Donna is actually a very good companion.
- WarGames There's one compelling reason to watch this movie: Ally Sheedy stretching. The rest of the movie is disposable.
It's almost bedtime, but I think I can squeeze in another movie. Hmm...Bonnie & Clyde, Accepted, or Dirty Mary Crazy Larry? Decisions decisions decisions.
sounds good to me, maybe catch a movie later?
you're lucky! i haven't seen any overtime in weeks. although, vacations are starting soon so that should reverse next month.