It's Story Time here in the Land of SYH. Tonight I shall spin the yarn of the fruity soap, bane of all manly men everywhere--or at least this one.
Tuesday I had to go shopping for spaghetti sauce ingredients. While I was at Meijer, I stopped off in the soap aisle for I was running out of soap. (Two bars do not last very long when one gets as dirty as I.) Anyway, I saw my usual soaps (orange Dial, green Zest) were somewhat on sale, but hey, what's this? Green Dial? Hmm. Never tried Green Dial. So, being the Manly Man that I am, I sniffed it to ensure it wasn't a Fruity Soap. Nothing. Plastic wrap had locked all scent inside. Harumph. However, since it too was on sale, I bought it.
Fast forward to last night. I broke open the package of Green Dial to be assaulted with FRUITY SMELL. AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE
I cannot use this soap! It's fruity! I am not a fruity-scented man. I had a crisis of masculinity, I did. At this point, my frugal nature stepped in. When one buys eight bars of soap, one does not throw them out just because they're fruity-smelling. Besides, it's a nice counterpoint to the aloe & cucumber extract lotion I have come to appreciate. Makes my skin feel reel naace. 
. Yeah.
*pumps up masculinity quotient by shooting self in leg with staple gun*
Tuesday I had to go shopping for spaghetti sauce ingredients. While I was at Meijer, I stopped off in the soap aisle for I was running out of soap. (Two bars do not last very long when one gets as dirty as I.) Anyway, I saw my usual soaps (orange Dial, green Zest) were somewhat on sale, but hey, what's this? Green Dial? Hmm. Never tried Green Dial. So, being the Manly Man that I am, I sniffed it to ensure it wasn't a Fruity Soap. Nothing. Plastic wrap had locked all scent inside. Harumph. However, since it too was on sale, I bought it.
Fast forward to last night. I broke open the package of Green Dial to be assaulted with FRUITY SMELL. AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE


That being said you wanna come on by and take a look at my GO BOX tommorow it doesnt go anymore