Ten years ago:...Five students at Middle Park High School proved themselves to be among the best in mathematics in a state-wide test. Joseph Powell, Adam Wood, Asa Holley, Alice Huyler and Chris Caramia all finished in the top 15 percent of the 568 students taking the math test from both public and private high schools across the state.
I think that's the test that had we five trekking to Greeley a few months later for some math competition. In any case, reading that reminded me I could've been something other than a blue-collar working shlub if I'd paid attention during Calc II, Dynamics, and Phys II three years after that blurb was written.
(It goes without saying white-collar, wage slave SYH would be bitching how much he hates paper-pushing & wishes he could actually build something for a living. Lord knows I like to complain, no matter the parallel universe.