well ok, it wasn't that great but that hospital is creepy for sure!
TALE OF TWO SISTERS rocks!! Never seen GHOST. I like the Whispering Corridors Series very much, but haven't seen Part 4.
hm... sexy choir teacher... *g*
I just searched, Part 4 is called VOICE, wich reminds me to buy this in the near future. The first one is ok, the second one (MEMENTO MORI) is very good, but not at all scary, it's more kind of a lesbian drama.
TALE OF TWO SISTERS rocks!! Never seen GHOST. I like the Whispering Corridors Series very much, but haven't seen Part 4.
I just searched, Part 4 is called VOICE, wich reminds me to buy this in the near future. The first one is ok, the second one (MEMENTO MORI) is very good, but not at all scary, it's more kind of a lesbian drama.