I put Carmen to bed just before 8. Around 11 I was sitting on my computer and smelled burning ( i thought it was my computer overheating ), no sooner does my dad come charging up the stairs. THE FUCKING HOUSE NEXT DOOR IS BURNING DOWN! And when I say next door I mean 6 feet from my bedroom. I threw the phone at my mom to call 911 went in carmens room and grabbed her up, grabbed the cell phones, chargers, purses and stuffed as much in a diaperbag as i could, because at this point our house was in jeopardy. After this I headed across the street to watch the house burndown at my neighbours.
Its contained now, theres still many trucks outside. 4 fire hydrants..... none of them worked, all they had was the water in the pumper trucks. So im home now, trying to air out the house, Carmens room was farthest away so its fine. I will gut it tomorrow just for good measure and clean everything.
Its killing me to see the family just standing out in the street watching their house destroyed. The father was at work, the mother also at work the daughter an hour away at school and the son is at work also when the fire happened so nobody was hurt, thank god.
Thoughts and prayers please to this family who have lost everything in a few short hours, their house is destroyed and uninhabitable. I cant imagine what they are going through but just the thought of losing my home tonight scared me shitless and tore me apart.
Since were in a cold weather warning in southern ontario my parents are making coffee for the firefighters and police that have been out in the wet and cold for hours with no break to get warm.
What a friday night.
-SydVicious safe but not sound
EDIT TO ADD: Bad things come in 3s, we got a call this morning that my great aunt had passed away so I have a funeral comming up..... bring on #3.
Its contained now, theres still many trucks outside. 4 fire hydrants..... none of them worked, all they had was the water in the pumper trucks. So im home now, trying to air out the house, Carmens room was farthest away so its fine. I will gut it tomorrow just for good measure and clean everything.
Its killing me to see the family just standing out in the street watching their house destroyed. The father was at work, the mother also at work the daughter an hour away at school and the son is at work also when the fire happened so nobody was hurt, thank god.
Thoughts and prayers please to this family who have lost everything in a few short hours, their house is destroyed and uninhabitable. I cant imagine what they are going through but just the thought of losing my home tonight scared me shitless and tore me apart.
Since were in a cold weather warning in southern ontario my parents are making coffee for the firefighters and police that have been out in the wet and cold for hours with no break to get warm.
What a friday night.
-SydVicious safe but not sound
EDIT TO ADD: Bad things come in 3s, we got a call this morning that my great aunt had passed away so I have a funeral comming up..... bring on #3.
As long as no one was hurt, that's the important thing. Insurance will rebuild the house and put them in a hotel. But no amount of money can replace a loved one. Glad you and Carmen are okay, that is a little too close for comfort. Just take a deep breath and double check all your smoke detectors. If you could smell smoke and they didn't go off, they may be bad.