Hey! Well yes i've been a lazy fuck once again, actually been very busy the last week or so, plenty of work. I still can't get over the fact that i'm my own boss and i can go to work in short a t shirt, hahaha sorry it may sound lame to some but its a big thing for me and the fact that i don't have to take my piercings out every morning. Anywho, friday night didn't do alot, just went into the city with a mate and had a few drinks, pretty un eventful, worked up in gosford all day yesterday at my mates shop, went for beers at the leagues club and some 50yr old women were trying to pick up my mate. He was shit scared. Ummm today i'm not quite sure what i'm doing, thinking sunday arvo beers somewhere could be the go. Was spewing i could not make it to the sydney meet the other week, something came up at the last minute. Will definately be at the next one. Apart from all that nothing too much has been happening, i think i'm getting old. 21 next month. Already i'm enjoying having early nights, whats wrong with me?? Yep anyways its beer time, bye!!!
mmm bed !