I'm sure you guys wouldn't mind if i did a little writing here would you? I've just been feeling so....eh lately. Enjoy.
"The walls crumble as you begin to learn
The ice thaws as you begin to warm
The void fills with every smile
The eyes brighten with every laugh
The world becomes tolerable with you in it
But you aren't there anymore
The walls once left down, rebuilding
The ice once thawed, reforming
The void once filled, draining
The eyes once bright, darkened
The world seems grey now that you've gone
Still I go on, still I push
You're inside my mind, my blood, my soul
Everyday I still hear you in my mind
Every night I dream with you in my arms
Dreams were always better than reality
The world is still just as grey as you left it
Days go on, nights persist
You've granted me presence once more
You've changed over the years
You're just as grey as my world
Unlike the colors you had once before
The walls are rebuilt, taller than before
The ice has reformed, thicker than before
The void swirls, stronger than before
The darkness engulfs, a shadow of myself is left
You, too, have gone grey, just like the rest of us
Pity how the world gets you."
"The walls crumble as you begin to learn
The ice thaws as you begin to warm
The void fills with every smile
The eyes brighten with every laugh
The world becomes tolerable with you in it
But you aren't there anymore
The walls once left down, rebuilding
The ice once thawed, reforming
The void once filled, draining
The eyes once bright, darkened
The world seems grey now that you've gone
Still I go on, still I push
You're inside my mind, my blood, my soul
Everyday I still hear you in my mind
Every night I dream with you in my arms
Dreams were always better than reality
The world is still just as grey as you left it
Days go on, nights persist
You've granted me presence once more
You've changed over the years
You're just as grey as my world
Unlike the colors you had once before
The walls are rebuilt, taller than before
The ice has reformed, thicker than before
The void swirls, stronger than before
The darkness engulfs, a shadow of myself is left
You, too, have gone grey, just like the rest of us
Pity how the world gets you."