So, talk to me SG land. How are you doing? I've missed you. Did you miss me? Tell me a secret, and lets laugh together over something we find funny. We did so much, and I know i was away for awhile, but we can rebuild anew. I love you SG. <3
No stories? Come my viewers, you must have stories to tell.
So to all that know of me from about a year ago, I have returned. I have missed you all, and i plan on being kick ass member again.
Ok, so here is the short and the skinny of it.

Since i have done ntohing with my hair in forever, and it is a decent length, i am going to cut it for St Baldricks. As some of you may or may not know, that is in march. starting Feb 1 *assuming i can get it to wrok*, i am going to set up...
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Happy New Year everyone. Love you all and hope to see you all same time next year
Happy Belated X-mas to all of SG land. If X-mas wasnt your thing, then happy festivus, kwanza, hannakuh, winter solistice, and where approprate, coming of Cthulu
Sorry SG, I have been a bad nani-nani. I still havent got my laptop fixed. But coming the new year i should have a really awesome new PC. You know what that means? More SG time, more being active, more money spent on my favorite people in the entire world and the sort and what not. Anywhooooo, I just thought I'd update.

Okies, i've been gone awhile, and here is why:

I dont have my laptop currently. It contracted a virsu and now is not usable and i have to wait for someone to fix it because

I'm also unemployed. No money means i wait at the good graces of someone able to fix my machine.

So, im sorry i havent been on in awhile but i...
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So an update of sorts. My mom has informed me that she is having surgery on the second tumor. the first one, which has a shunt attached, is clogged now. the short and the small, a 23 hr urgery looms over head, with a 2% rate of survival.

This is her best chance of survival. How in the hell am i supposed to deal with...
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hang in there man.
silly billy, 27 days from the 12th puts my due date at the 8th, which is your guess! so i would be happy to deliver on my due date, just don't wanna go over!
How do you pass the hum bums.i feel stuck in life and i really dont see how to unstick myself. Currently, im working for a job i cant stand. My grandmother *65* is going for an open double bypass here in a week and a half. My mom has yet another brain tumor....its getting a little hard to handle. sorry, i just need a place...
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oh my god, that's awful. i can't even begin to imagine what you're going through right now but i hope it works out in the end. my thoughts are with you (as cheesy as that sounds) smile
aww thanks smile

and you know i'm always around if you need someone to talk to
hmm. Ever get the feeling that life has slowed down for you....im getting that feeling
thank you

everyone on here has been so supportive...i just can't stop crying though. i can't believe it's over. i'll message you my email address smile
that they do!
So...to all of you still reading and keeping up, sorry to keep you waiting. Sifting thru shit sucks, and i finally did.

So, i still have a job i dislike, but in this economy, its just i have a job. Bamf. Also, i havent gotten any in months. Dry seasons suck, so im looking again. I havent looked for someone to hook up with since...
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So here we are again.

I have a conundrum for all of you listeners in SG land

How do you tell an ex, whom you never wanted to be an ex, that you still have a burning passion for them...even though they are married, with a kid and moving on the 15th?
ah the loveliness of having an ex.......or exes.
fair enough, how is that going? mine's far too busy right now and i hate it!

and hello to you too, of course smile