So not much new on the homefront these days! What can you do right? Anyhow i have decided to start drawing again and maybe get back into the active tattoo scene, maybe ill get myself a new kit and start going to town on myself lol.
Strange note i was asked to audition for a film this guy is making, super wierd but i was told that i have a very good personality for the part whatever the hell that means... alls i can say is if i read the script and hes a douche im smacking somebody. In related new i may or may not go back to modeling, it has been a few years and i definatley need to get into better shape first... my arms has shrunk im afraid, which really sucks cause im at the point where boxing and martial arts alone are not going to be enough to get them large and that means i need to start lifting weights.
Grrrr i need something really incredible to happen!!! Monotony is the slayer of creative minds, and every day the lethargy of nothing new and exciting is just enough to push me over the edge.
Maybe i just need to be more social! So hey if ur on my friends list and you see this post you should definately start a random convo with me, no rules on this one so if you are that type go ahead and do your worst!
Strange note i was asked to audition for a film this guy is making, super wierd but i was told that i have a very good personality for the part whatever the hell that means... alls i can say is if i read the script and hes a douche im smacking somebody. In related new i may or may not go back to modeling, it has been a few years and i definatley need to get into better shape first... my arms has shrunk im afraid, which really sucks cause im at the point where boxing and martial arts alone are not going to be enough to get them large and that means i need to start lifting weights.
Grrrr i need something really incredible to happen!!! Monotony is the slayer of creative minds, and every day the lethargy of nothing new and exciting is just enough to push me over the edge.
Maybe i just need to be more social! So hey if ur on my friends list and you see this post you should definately start a random convo with me, no rules on this one so if you are that type go ahead and do your worst!
Seriously though what the hell is up with your BF and his pops? Lol sounds like you are not the roid rager in the world o'killery! Just saying is all.