I don't mind you being long-winded on my journal! 'twas an interesting story - here's another one for you...
When I was 5 I shut my thumb in the car door. It hurt like hell and went all swelly and totally black. It seriously looked like it was going to burst. So I got taken to the doctors and the nurse said it was going to burst if she didn't relieve some of the pressure. So you know what she did?! She hammered a nail into my thumbnail to make 2 holes. That went crunch and I went *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* I remember screaming very loudly. Then blood squirted everywhere. So, you see, I am very acustomed to finger (thumb) injuries
Wow Cherry!! That's pretty intense for 5. I broke my index finger playing American football with my brother and friends a while back. I hate anything that keeps me from playing guitar.
I don't mind you being long-winded on my journal! 'twas an interesting story - here's another one for you...
When I was 5 I shut my thumb in the car door. It hurt like hell and went all swelly and totally black. It seriously looked like it was going to burst. So I got taken to the doctors and the nurse said it was going to burst if she didn't relieve some of the pressure. So you know what she did?! She hammered a nail into my thumbnail to make 2 holes. That went crunch and I went *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*
Cherry xox
What kind of basses do you own besides the SG?