I love my job again.....
this client is totally pissed at our Co. in general. Behind the sceens, i make them love us (well me anyways) again. I get an email full of kind words and thank yous. And that was enuf to make me feel great. yay for me!
The next morning my big boss calls me into her office. Shes sitting there with my immediate supervisor.
"I got this email this morning...from TT (company pres)"
"holy fuck" im thinking... i did something wrong.
turns out the client blind copied the email they had sent me and the preceding correspondence to my companys pres. and he forwarded it to my bosses with some nice comments of his own.
Result? promotion in the works. And a raise....fuck yeah!
If anything, its nice that ppl are more aware of how much i actually do there. When the Sports Dept went to shit, I got thrown in there to do a little clean up and "fill in" put alot of smoke and mirrors to use.
I guess i didnt have to, but Ive been busting my ass to put out fires and tie up loose ends. it just seems like a better idea to heal the problem rather than bandage it half assed.
my boss is like "No one knew that you were doing all of this..."
ha!! i guess eventually it does pay to put on the big girl pants, work hard and not piss and moan.
Another work in progress...
im a lazy fuck, i never finish anything all the way. this is half way and im already moving on to something else. Cuz right now the primary light source is coming from 17 difference directions in this pic.
Yeah ill fix that.
no better yet, I meant to do that. its a surreal work.... these figures are in a world where light doesnt obey the natural rules of the universe
In other news
I accidentally let it out to Russell that I had forgiven Linz, (ok not forgiven. Def not forgotten....set aside her terrible actions and broke the silence) for the drunken nightmare that occured back in Nov. Not that he has any say in who i choose to let in and out, altho I cant blame him for being disgusted.
Somethimes I think Im crazy for rolling over and giving a, what? 50th chance? How many chances does someone get to break their promise and let you down royaly? id even go as far as to say - stab you in the back. Do ppl ever really change? We'll see. I could be setting myself up to lose not one, but 2 friends in a future mess perpetrated by linz.
In any case, i meant to break the news to russell softly, at some other time. i didnt mean to randomly blurt it out. he just shakes his head. i hope Lindz dosent prove me an idiot once again.
Happy Birthday, sweetie!
I like your style