Been back from Savannah for four days now, and I'm still too creeped out to sleep without the light on. Can't wait to go back and do more wandering around the city at night.
Hoping to head to NYC in a month. Been wanting to do that for years. Napa Valley this fall. All the traveling is the only way I can keep smiling at...
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Hoping to head to NYC in a month. Been wanting to do that for years. Napa Valley this fall. All the traveling is the only way I can keep smiling at...
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Anyone out there with some pull on the stars? I need a tiny miracle.
Im sending some good luck your way too =] thanks for the wishes my way lovely!
Its been sooo long since ive updated this thing.
why am i even here? i quit.
why am i even here? i quit.
hey there
what ya been up to all this time?

what ya been up to all this time?
Quit?!?!?!? You can't quit. What will I do without you

I love my job again.....
this client is totally pissed at our Co. in general. Behind the sceens, i make them love us (well me anyways) again. I get an email full of kind words and thank yous. And that was enuf to make me feel great. yay for me!

The next morning my big boss calls me into her office. Shes sitting there...
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Happy Birthday, sweetie!

I like your style

I am so glad that you shared your experiences. I think your reactions are quite normal. I don't really think that your family meant for it to be so awkward for you. They are all envy you quite certainly, as well they should. You seem like you are doing quite well for yourself. But there's a deeper issue there, about America spreading this desire to have and be more like america throughout much of the world. It's kind of fucked up, devaluing cultures that have been around for thousands of years. They did it with the natives of this land and now everywhere else, too.
I understand you guilt and would probably feel the same, but I don't think you should feel guilty about the way you felt. Being in America, not being homeless, it's difficult to be around what passes as normal in lesser developed countries. They really don't know of life any other way. Even the poorest in this country have the opportunity to a much higher standard of living than your uncle's family would.
The language barrier had to have been difficult. You can't help but wonder what they are saying. And most of us are so self conscious how could we no think they are talking about us.
I think of them "Staring" at you and imagining themselves in your world, getting to live in America. It wasn't even about you, but the infectuous idea that America is the land of promise. In reality, it doesn't matter where you live or who you are, it's all about your ability to be yourself where ever you are right now. Who and what is self? you know....that's the real question we all need to answer for ourselves.
It's cool that you got to see your mom in a new light. I knew you would have a good time with her if you opened yourself up to it.
"Maybe its that undeniable "philipino" face - an kind of angry look at all times.." I don't think I ever noticed that. strange. I'll have to look more closely....I just checked out your pictures, I don't know how to tell you but you don't have that "angry at all times" look at all. quite the opposite or close to it. Sweet, would be a word I could use to describe your facial expression.
I hope you are feeling better.
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Thanks for your comments on my latest journal entry. I can draw quite well, but i really don't have much of anything to put up just now. I've been wanting to draw some of the SG's, but haven't taken the time to do it. That will change this weekend, I hope. .:fingers cross:.
So being a Phillipino-American, what does that mean to you? Now that you've been to the phillipines do think you see yourself as American more than philipino?
What does your username reference?
You should have gotten pictures of your relatives. You could have made a lot with an online dating service for philipino women. (I am kidding of course.) but really you didn't get much of a chance to know any of them so it's not really any wonder they didn't ask to communicate with you. They probably thought you were too busy to communicate with the likes of them. You said they were ashamed of who they are, that's unfortunate that they let that get in the way of getting to know you. You seem really cool.
Done any more drawings lately. I am off to draw a value scale. Thrilling!
I understand you guilt and would probably feel the same, but I don't think you should feel guilty about the way you felt. Being in America, not being homeless, it's difficult to be around what passes as normal in lesser developed countries. They really don't know of life any other way. Even the poorest in this country have the opportunity to a much higher standard of living than your uncle's family would.
The language barrier had to have been difficult. You can't help but wonder what they are saying. And most of us are so self conscious how could we no think they are talking about us.
I think of them "Staring" at you and imagining themselves in your world, getting to live in America. It wasn't even about you, but the infectuous idea that America is the land of promise. In reality, it doesn't matter where you live or who you are, it's all about your ability to be yourself where ever you are right now. Who and what is self? you know....that's the real question we all need to answer for ourselves.
It's cool that you got to see your mom in a new light. I knew you would have a good time with her if you opened yourself up to it.

"Maybe its that undeniable "philipino" face - an kind of angry look at all times.." I don't think I ever noticed that. strange. I'll have to look more closely....I just checked out your pictures, I don't know how to tell you but you don't have that "angry at all times" look at all. quite the opposite or close to it. Sweet, would be a word I could use to describe your facial expression.
I hope you are feeling better.
Happy Valentines Day!!!

Thanks for your comments on my latest journal entry. I can draw quite well, but i really don't have much of anything to put up just now. I've been wanting to draw some of the SG's, but haven't taken the time to do it. That will change this weekend, I hope. .:fingers cross:.
So being a Phillipino-American, what does that mean to you? Now that you've been to the phillipines do think you see yourself as American more than philipino?
What does your username reference?
You should have gotten pictures of your relatives. You could have made a lot with an online dating service for philipino women. (I am kidding of course.) but really you didn't get much of a chance to know any of them so it's not really any wonder they didn't ask to communicate with you. They probably thought you were too busy to communicate with the likes of them. You said they were ashamed of who they are, that's unfortunate that they let that get in the way of getting to know you. You seem really cool.
Done any more drawings lately. I am off to draw a value scale. Thrilling!
happy valentines lovely!!!

Do you leave for your trip this week? No Polio in your erea, I assume.
If you did any more drawing/sketches be sure to share them before leaving!
Good luck! Take care. be nice to your mom
I hope you aunt isn't suffering too greatly.
If you did any more drawing/sketches be sure to share them before leaving!
Good luck! Take care. be nice to your mom

I hope you aunt isn't suffering too greatly.
interesting drawing...if you injected the midol would we have gotten rainbows and puppy dogs maybe?
have a safe journey and I hope your trip goes as well as possible. I am sure your aunt will appreciate the effort that you and your mom put into being there for her. be strong.
have a safe journey and I hope your trip goes as well as possible. I am sure your aunt will appreciate the effort that you and your mom put into being there for her. be strong.
strappado eh? sounds like fun.
yeah the whole dislocating of the shoulders thing can certainly put a damper on one's good time
but hell pain is temporary right?

yeah the whole dislocating of the shoulders thing can certainly put a damper on one's good time
but hell pain is temporary right?
How many Marlboro Miles would it take to get a set of Goodyear Run Flats?
Right now that's the only way I could afford a set....damnit those are badass.
And it would have been nice if I could have financed my passport with Marlboro Miles.
$200 for a stupid book of paper and some stamps. Thats fucking bullshit....count down to my hellacious trip to the...
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Right now that's the only way I could afford a set....damnit those are badass.
And it would have been nice if I could have financed my passport with Marlboro Miles.
$200 for a stupid book of paper and some stamps. Thats fucking bullshit....count down to my hellacious trip to the...
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Well I hope you get your run flats both without a lung scraping and without having to spend too much time in dumpsters. Might just be easier to figure out who smokes the packs that you need and stalk them to collective their empties, and perhaps encourage them take up smoking hard core then you can miles that much faster.
You were right about drawing class. I just relaxed, forgot about everyone and everything and drew. It ws phenomenally uplifting for my self confidence. I did really well on the drawing, which was intended to be mile marker for progress. I can't wait to see how well I am drawing at the end of the semester.
You were right about drawing class. I just relaxed, forgot about everyone and everything and drew. It ws phenomenally uplifting for my self confidence. I did really well on the drawing, which was intended to be mile marker for progress. I can't wait to see how well I am drawing at the end of the semester.
he's intimidating? you'd probably have him quaking in his doc martens if he had a clue what was going through your mind...aren't adolescent crushes on reoccuring strangers the best?