so i got out of work today to discover someone had
scraped one half of my bumper with their stupid fucking car
a white car
a stupid fucking white car
my stickers are all fucked up too...
thanks asshole.
in other news, a taunton cop came in just to talk to me
for about.. half an hour
told me details about the kid that went psycho the other day
that was fun at least
i do believe he was into me, kept bragging about:
his masters degree, his impeccable shooting aim,
how he knows how to pepper spray right...
i don't know, all i know is that i respect cops
but they just plain scare me,
i don't do well with authority figures, i get too nervous.
oh that and they always treat me like scum.
updated to add, if you have the time check out my site
i've been having a lot of issues lately with the web rejecting my images
just let me know if you see red x's or not. danke.
scraped one half of my bumper with their stupid fucking car
a white car
a stupid fucking white car
my stickers are all fucked up too...
thanks asshole.
in other news, a taunton cop came in just to talk to me
for about.. half an hour
told me details about the kid that went psycho the other day
that was fun at least
i do believe he was into me, kept bragging about:
his masters degree, his impeccable shooting aim,
how he knows how to pepper spray right...
i don't know, all i know is that i respect cops
but they just plain scare me,
i don't do well with authority figures, i get too nervous.
oh that and they always treat me like scum.
updated to add, if you have the time check out my site
i've been having a lot of issues lately with the web rejecting my images
just let me know if you see red x's or not. danke.
how he knows how to pepper spray right..."
Hrrmmm...I tried to check out the stuff on your site....maybe my machine here at work just isn't updated enough to view?