Finished my biography video, i'm pretty happy though i couldn't find the marelene dietrich song i wanted to use. grr, i looked everywhere! My professor really liked it, he's been digging my work lately, and it's awesome, i always thought he hated me. I just finished my last final exam, all i have to do now is finish my self portraits and a small project for my friday class. went to williamsburg brooklyn for my class with jennifer and kevin mccoy (they're great people, check out McCoy Space.) There's so much bad art!!! makes me feel like i could even make it in the big city.
me and baby me
i always had that sass
i really love video, i feel like i'm growing so much as a person and as an artist. i felt really lonely sunday when this kid in my class brought his girlfriend to brooklyn and they were so lovey and happy. but then when i talked about it to my friend she said "yeah, but i bet you've got a lot accomplished without being with someone" and she's right, i've come so far, part of me never wants to be in a relationship again. the mccoy's seem so happy though, they work on their art together, they mesh so well, and created a beautiful baby together, i want that someday in the worst way.
PS: added a lot of video stills from my works this semester in the ART folder of my pics, take a look!

me and baby me

i always had that sass
i really love video, i feel like i'm growing so much as a person and as an artist. i felt really lonely sunday when this kid in my class brought his girlfriend to brooklyn and they were so lovey and happy. but then when i talked about it to my friend she said "yeah, but i bet you've got a lot accomplished without being with someone" and she's right, i've come so far, part of me never wants to be in a relationship again. the mccoy's seem so happy though, they work on their art together, they mesh so well, and created a beautiful baby together, i want that someday in the worst way.
PS: added a lot of video stills from my works this semester in the ART folder of my pics, take a look!
p.s. you are cute