mmmm....time is moving like chocolate over here, both slow and delicious. spendin time with my rock and roll lover, eating great food, going for coffee, making out, and slowly mentally preparing for the iminent move. funny how when you have something in your life to look forward to, some feeling of moving forward, life loses that desperate agro edge. i guess for some that is a creative driving force, but i must say that i don't feel it has a place on a regular basis in my life. its good to be rid of that feeling of slowly drowning in stagnation. im not sure if any of you are familiar with that feeling but i do believe it is one of the worst ever. sooo...ya, thats about it for now...till next time, i bid you adieu.

it's hard to tell if it's pain or joy that ruptured
castanets play distant, tiny pings are heard
beautiful jewelry
you are beautiful jewerly
dancing against the golden skin
of a once young soul with a desperate rendevous
please point her straight
she'll get there