i have moved!!! my new house is really old. i have a fireplace in my room! i am spoiled indeed. now for a new job and then i will be content. at least sort of content... on some level or another anyway.
but enough of that shite, no one wants to hear about that its boring. i should either be talking about sex (which just wont work because i am not having it.) or philosophy, of which i have abundant things to say but cant think of any right now.
well fuck that actually i will just ask you guys questions. like...
if you could be anywhere, doing anything right now what would it be?
which of the five senses is your favorite and why?
if we were to be hanging out this evening what would we do?
ok, i could think of more but i will leaveit at 3 for now.
hope to be hearing from you all soon.

2. Sight, Im a people watcher.
3. Take a walk around the city talking and seeing what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into.
Oh, Congratulations on the move!
-hearing. cuz without music i'd be lost
-drinking jack daniels in the snow. and having sex cuz neither of us are getting any?