i am living in jungle of dreams. sweat and sweet fevers of light and sound. there is a living thing in me that aches with its own sultry thought. its waiting to pounce on the hot night, eat the stars. i am everywhere, i am underwater, i am standing with you, i am watching the world, it tastes like cinnamon. i am melting from the inside out.
life is a funny thing.
life is a funny thing.
... it's a thing with this girl that i totally like, and she likes me also, as she has told me countless times, but something got thrown into the mix that shouldn't have this early in our still blossoming relationship, that we both completely regret, that sort of complicated things. she is being really hesitant now, i understand her reasoning behind it, but it's difficult to reassure someone that has been fucked over, and been in so many horrible relationships that i am actually a decent and trustworthy guy. and i have been in just as many, actually probably more, bad relationships, and i have gotten shit on so many times, that her hesitations just seem like her trying to blow me off, when i know inside that's not what she is doing at all. it's funny, when it all kind of started and we first hung out i told her "don't worry, you'll fuck me up too", that may be a strange thing to say to someone after only a few times of hanging out with them, but i too have my hesitations, i just try to put them on the back burner when i find something that i think could possibly turn out to be a really good thing, and i find her completely wonderful. did i confuse you now?
sorry my new journal entry rhymes soo much, I know how much you think that's sooo cliche'. I thought it was more appropriate, so please don't throw stones at me.