Monday Dec 08, 2003 Dec 8, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email waaaa. I'm sick T_T stuffy nose swollen(?) throat achy joints headache muffled hearing blah. VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS avery666: A hot toddie is usually whiskey with hot water, honey and/or lemon juice. Although, if you were thinking what I think you were thinking, a hot toddie is....I say to you- That to would make one feel better. Dec 13, 2003 mistressrory: awwww hunny!! *gives you kisses to help you feel better* Dec 13, 2003
Although, if you were thinking what I think you were thinking,
a hot toddie is....I say to you- That to would make one feel better.
*gives you kisses to help you feel better*