Life has a fantastic way to show me what really matters. When I am down in the dumps, all I have to do is look at my daughter and know that everything will be alright. She is the rock that grounds me. She is always so full of surprises. In a ways she is my role model. No matter what gets her down, a cold, a bump on the head, falling down, she gets right back up smiling. She is one tough cookie.
In some ways I wish I could be as strong as she is. But everyday she reminds me that no matter what, to get back up smiling because all of life's little bumps are just that. A bump in the journey. Those bumps do not make our journey, they do not stop us. They only do if we let them.

In some ways I wish I could be as strong as she is. But everyday she reminds me that no matter what, to get back up smiling because all of life's little bumps are just that. A bump in the journey. Those bumps do not make our journey, they do not stop us. They only do if we let them.

Awesome set girl! Such a hottie... 

Being a parent is the best job there is. Keep doing sets!