Good Morning y'all! (Yes I said y'all, seeing as how I am from Texas and all.)
This is really random, which is something I am very good at. My friends and I got into a discussion about the word "Y'all." If you actually break down what the word is suppose to be, "you" and "all" and you put it together for "y'all." Some of my friends seem to think that y'all should be spelled "Ya'll." Which to me makes absolutely no sense at all. What word is that suppose to be when you break that down?
I shake my head at people who spell it ya'll. But I guess to each their own right?
Just a random thought I am throwing out there.
This is really random, which is something I am very good at. My friends and I got into a discussion about the word "Y'all." If you actually break down what the word is suppose to be, "you" and "all" and you put it together for "y'all." Some of my friends seem to think that y'all should be spelled "Ya'll." Which to me makes absolutely no sense at all. What word is that suppose to be when you break that down?
I shake my head at people who spell it ya'll. But I guess to each their own right?
Just a random thought I am throwing out there.
Y'all are right 

All I can say is yup!