Funny story. So, last night my car wouldn't turn over. It finally decided to crank up and I went and got Sky then went home. It would not turn over again once I got home, so I was praying to anything that would listen that it would start up in the morning so that I could take it to the mechanic right down the street...Luckily, it did start up and after spending an hour at the mechanic's, they told me that it was the alternator and that it would be $284 for everything...I asked them if they were sure it was that and not the battery or the starter and then my mum asked them..."no, we are positive it's the alternator....So, three hours later (totaling four hours, skipping Sky's lunch and NAP time and her being pretty damn good for that amount of time), my mum shells out $284 over the phone so that this could be my one and only Christmas present. Cool by me though, since I couldn't come up with all that anyways...So, anywho, I drive back to the house and give Sky an extremely late lunch and then off we had to go so I could drop her off because I had to be at work. Well, I go back to the car after bringing her inside and low and behold, the car won't start...doing the same thing as before. So, I call the mechanic and they say they will send someone out as soon as possible...I wait twenty minutes and then walk to the gas station on River's Avenue because, of course, I ran out of ciggies...I get back, and still no them, so after an HOUR of waiting, I call them back and they say the tow truck will be there in a few minutes and they will look at it as soon as they can..great...stuck at Sky's daycare, already late for work, etc...So, the tow truck guy finally gets there and he's talkin to me and starts asking about my tattoos and then proceeds to take a picture of one of them cos "that's the coolest tat I've seen," but won't give Sky and I a ride...ass...and after he leaves, I realize that I gave the dude my whole set of keys...including my house key. So, stuck at the daycare for 2 hours trying to figure out what to do and who to call...finally Lori (Brock's mama) comes and gets us warning me that her car has been messing up as well...after two break downs and what not, we finally get to my house after about 45 minutes or so and my lovely sister was suppose to come by the house to unlock the door for me and the hungry, tired, irritated Sky. But, of course (because that would have made my day less hellish), she wasn't and wouldn't...her and her boyfriend were waiting on a pizza at his house and couldn't leave..would be there in like twenty minutes...It's dark and the bugs are eating me alive and Sky decides to have the BIGGEST temp-tantrum I have EVER seen...the kicking the screaming the whole works, and still no sister...Call again, pizza not her fault,, finally after OVER thirty/fourty-five minutes, my next door neighbor drives Sky and I over to my sister's boyfriends to get the key...Now, the mechanic opens tomorrow at seven o'clock and I have to be at work at ten...UPDATE So, they finally had the car ready at a little before 3 (which is when they closed) and replaced the freakin starter which is what I thought was wrong with it in the beginning and they refused to take off any money off of the bill except a measly 20 bucks and almost charged for the towing!!!! Assholes...then, my mum told them not to lock the car and just put the keys under the floor mat...and what do they do? lock the car and put the keys in the visor above the driver side for any and all to see...never go to Tupperway tires on Ladson Rd.!...THE END