Ok.....I have a question for the ladies on this site....or actually anyone who has an opinion........I'm having this debate with this girl who is off the hook to me......she goes to bars on the nightly and basically comes in with no money and expects men to buy her drinks simply cause she is "female"...........she actually believes that because she is female she should never pay for drinks.........what are your thoughts on this............also she completely flirts with them to get these drinks.

If I don't have money, I don't go out. I don't expect men to buy me drinks just because I'm female.
well look at it this way: if the men are going for it and paying the drinks, knowing prefectly well that there is a large chance she's not going home with them anyway, then she's not actually doing anything wrong, she's just being a cost-efficient partyer who enjoys flirting with unkown men, and smart because she keeps her eye on her goal.
Maybe she makes their night anyway.