We'll start with the annoying stuff. In June I fell and smashed my head and had some memory loss (see blog) not good, but could of been worse. Well, I lost my balance and fell again in July in a supermarket parking lot and hit my head again. No memory loss or hospital trip this time. Since then I have been donated a collapsible electric wheelchair. As much as I hate to say it, my Muscular Dystrophy is catching up with me. I still walk around the house most of the time but when I go places I bring the chair with me. Honestly, it has improved my life a little. I don't just sit around the house all day doing nothing like I have for the last year. I can actually bring my dog for walks alone now. She loves it and it makes me feel so good that I can make her the happy dog she deserves to be. Still sucks to admit I need the chair to do normal things, but, I'm getting used to it. The looks have gone from "This guy walks funny" to "I just saw you standing are you faking it?" Living the life. Haha.
A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog talking about questioning my best friends feelings for me. Well, as of August 10th we're officially dating! We seem to be what each other really needed. After 11 years of friendship, we told each other how we felt and she ended up kissing my by the fire 2 nights before my birthday. According to Sam, I make her laugh, I make her smile, and I make her all around happier. She makes me feel so many things. I'm just so elated. I forgot how good holding someone through the night while we both sleep felt. I'm living to make her smile as long as she'll have me.
August 12th, I'm officially out of my twenties, ugh. What a mess those were. Here's to better 30's.
I still love you all, I hope you all are well, and I hope you enjoy the read. <3