I've been on this new medication since June. The first few days as my body adjusted I felt like shit. Now it's October and I'm in the worst pain of my life. My hip and lower back are killing me when I walk. The pain when I put weight on my left leg is close unbearable. Even leaning on the bed to tie my shoe has become painful.
"Blah blah, this medication works 20% better for heart failure patients" I'm sorry but if it's gonna cause me to be unable to walk sooner than my Muscular Dystrophy it's not fucking worth it. It usually takes 10-20 seconds to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom which is probably 25-30 feet away. With the pain I'm in it's taking close to 5 minutes if not longer.
I just hope this pain subsides. It's the weekend but I still might give my cardiologist a call.