Okay, so my friends who are engaged were having a conversation about a girl they know who is 20 and just started dating a 26 year old. Talking about how they found it weird. Me being 26 had to put my input into this. I asked them why they thought that is so weird. It came down to them basically saying that its almost a generation apart and some of the time they don't have a clue about the things I remember as a kid. Another thing is they believe that people should only date within a 3 year gap of their age.
I have no problem with people having different opinions but when I'm being told that I'm weird because I would date girls 6 years younger than me it kind of bothers me.
Finding your love or soul mate is difficult enough, but finding one within 3 years of your own age seems almost impossible. Maybe I'm just more open-minded than most. For a while I was talking to a 38 year old which I had so much in common with. I let others opinions get to me and I stopped talking to her instead of seeing where it might of went.
So my question is How do you all feel about Age and dating 1-3 limit or 8 years and beyond? . As far as I see it love is love regardless of age or sexuality. If you think you're in love don't let age or anything else stand in your way. Obviously I'm not looking for girls under 18 but you get the point.