So, I found a pair of women's underwear in my sock drawer and I have no idea whose they are and how they got there. Maybe I'm a sleep panty raider. I think I should post an ad on craigslist and Cinderella this situation. Sounds creepy but i bet I'd get some hits around here. Haha.
Another thing I don't understand.. Where do you cross the line between "Friend zone" and "She thinks you're into Men" ? I know I'm easy to trust. That's just the kind of guy I am. She sleeps over sometimes in my bed. Just as a friend and I don't find it weird and neither does she. Everyone else thinks it's the weirdest thing ever. The weird thing happened this weekend. She came over while I was in the shower and just walked in to the bathroom because she had to pee. That doesn't really bother me but it isn't something I would expect from her because she is usually kinda prude. She's never done that before. On the way out of the bathroom she says," Thanks Josh you're the best" She just confuses me. She has a boyfriend but sometimes I feel like she is trying so hard to flirt with me. She talks to me about guys all the time and I'll sit and listen but the second I mention a girl I'm interested in she seems so disinterested . Guess that's the price you pay being the nice guy. Hmmm