I don't know if I have a cold or allergies. I haven't had a problem with either in a long while.
I'm making Juice again other than said cold or allergies I felt good all week. Kale taste horrible to me, but, It's worth the health benefits. I just drink it down and it definitely supresses my appetite. It's a start. Maybe losing some weight will make the girls I check out notice me.
My Grandmother's burial is coming up on the 3rd of May. I'm not looking forward to the sadness all over again. I know that I want to talk at her funeral I'm just having trouble thinking of the word's to write on paper. I've only spoke at one other funeral..that was my great aunt's who was also more like a grandmother to me. That was the most emotional I've ever been in front of people. I can only imagine how I'll be at my own Grandmothers.
The weather has been great the last couple of days. It's supposed to pass 70 on Monday. Sweet Deal!
Well I'm done for tonight. Goodnight loves.