I have the worst headache ever! God I hate smoke... I swear never to hang out with so many smokers all at once, I can like feel the poison in me, why do people do that shit?!
More Blogs
Sunday Jun 12, 2005
I went to an 18th birthday party tonight... it was funny. I drove to … -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
I went and saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith today, this movie was like one gian… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
I have the worst headache ever! God I hate smoke... I swear never to … -
Monday Jun 06, 2005
So I had the best day ever at work... and then I hung out with my fri… -
Monday May 30, 2005
I went and saw the Dresden Dolls last night at the Marquee... It was … -
Sunday May 22, 2005
I am so exhausted from work. My boyfriend came into town on Wednesday… -
Sunday May 15, 2005
Major updating... Lots of pictures added. Hope everyone likes them! S…
Actually, that's a perfect way to start off. Before a kid turns 18, his parents have authority over him, they can tell him what to do (for the most part) and punish him when (s)he doesn't listen. But when kids turn 18, that authority, in most cases, goes away.
But do all 18-year-olds automatically turn around and murder their parents? Steal from them? Rape their sister and burn the house down because they feel like it? Just because the authority and ability to punish has left the parents, that doesn't mean the kid turns around and goes apeshit. It's half propaganda and half false logic that without laws and government authorities to "watch over" a society, it'll just fall apart.... like I said, anarchist societies have existed in small pockets continuously throughout history, but most of them get smashed down by local fascist governments. However, if you want to look at the crime rate, the murder rates, the instances of hardcore drug addiction and other repeat offenses, just look to the supposedly "free" societies that are actually bogged down with laws and regulations and taboos for every level of decision making for citizens, from taxes to walking across the street. Even democratic socieites push people too much, and end up with a portion of the population that, in reaction, goes against a lot of what they're told to do. Not that that's an argument for anarchism, but it's an argument against even democracy, supposedly the best type of government so far. Go ask the Bushman tribes in Africa, or Innuit villages in Alaska, people who live, for the most part, without any sort of government or "law"... what's their crime rate? The instances of rape in their culture? Stealing? Even war with other groups? The chances that their leaders will get pissed and blow up their half of the world?
If you really want to look more into Anarchism, I can send you a reading list of the more basic, essential stuff.