Well the last few days, week? of work has been really shitty and some what depressing so I decided to drown my sorrows.
I was sooo drunk last night that I actually
all I remember is passing out on my bed then leaning over the edge and letting it all go.
I havent done that in about three years and I now remember why I try to avoid
This little experience has cemented the fact I really, really hate my job and I am now looking for a new one.
I was sooo drunk last night that I actually
I havent done that in about three years and I now remember why I try to avoid
This little experience has cemented the fact I really, really hate my job and I am now looking for a new one.
In a week Ill have to work on weekends till december and stay at the office from 9 am to 11 pm...
The guys at the games workshop here are taunting me with it, currently it only comes packaged in a box with a bunch of stuff I don't need. I have to wait till the 15th, or break down and get it for 360 with tons more models.