ok so im writing this story and im going to put it up to all those that may be reading these entries to decide upon three character name 2 guys and one girl just write to me the names and ill put em to up a poll vote
"how can i win...who am i fighting for?" thoughts running through his head. Using most of his strangth just to bring himself to his feet he lifts his head...his long silver hair falls down his back over his red plated armor with outlines trimmed in black...his black cape now torn and damaged hanging only from one shoulder dragging at his feet..tearing off his cape his... Read More
his knuckles white from the tight grip he had over the sword he held in his right hand...a weapon that was ever much a part o fhim as hi right arm...a thin stream of blood trickled over his wrist toward the blade of the sword...on one knee breathing heavy..he looked up...his eyes still burning with hatred for the oppenent that stood before him...to be continued
Okay, you're off the acid... But now you're using freakin PCP. You are a maniac!....
This story better not end with YOU being a sword wielding serial killer.
And when there exists a girl that does not fit that list, no guy is interested in her--girls may not appreciate a nice guy, but guys don't appreciate a nice girl, either.
wasted last night and it was fun...got random calls barely remember any of it i wonder how well i behaved i did wake up in my own bed so thats always good...weekend is a blur as usual damn it goes by way to quick
nothing like drunks stumbling into your room at 230am and then haveing to deal wiht them until 4 when they passout to get a call from a friend who is also drunk wanting to complain about how much she hates her relationship and wishs she had someone like me instead...good thing i dont sleep i think i need something to drink myself now if i... Read More
Alright im undoubtedly established insomnia is the worst thing in thw orld when you have to get up early and if you cant get about 4 hours of sleep dont do it its just a tease...this is a relax day for me work for 2 hours then 4 hours of class then little break before i host study sessions for two more hours and this... Read More
Put up some new pics if people havent already noticed and realize its not that im slow with responding to people its my comp isnt fast enough to keep up with people haha Off SG for night IM me if you want me
Busy freaking week for me so im only on late at night in case anyone is lookin for me...My computer keeps messing up so If my AIM nodozdragon is not online then i am not online so easiest way to know...more info about me is that i am probably one of the easiest people to talk to and all my friends come to me with... Read More
I second Boomshieka