Jubilex now fully recovered goes to walk out of the room when Boomsheika walks through the door..."you cant leave this room yet" she says..."Why is that?" jubilex responded a little agitated from being stuck in room for week recovering and wanting to go outside...."You are not in a place you belong and going outside would not be acceptable"...."I dont care i want to strech and get some air" retorted as he continued walking to the door...moving in front of him yet again and taking a more offensive stance to show her seriousness "You must remain here until the leader arrives to figure out what we are to do with you"...Jubilex couldnt help but noticed the openings in her weak stance and how easily he could just move her from his path but until now she has been the only contact he had and he ahd to be honest he really did not mind her company "how long will i have to wait?"...slightly relaxing her stance "Not long Tabim should be here soon..." before she finshed her sentence Jubilex bolted through the door..."and Boomsheika was caught so off guard by his move she could only squeek out "cliff"....right after he got through the door he realized that there was on a small landing area about two feet wide in all directions and that he moved to fast to stop slipping off the side at the last second he managed to grab the edge of the ledge and looked down to see nothing but blackness beneath him and scrambling to get back up he managed to get another hand on the ledge but was slowly losing his grip..."Silly boy if you would only listen to me this wouldnt have happened" as she looked down at the man hopeless grasping for life...reaching down to him with just one hand she grasped his arm tight and pulled him up with much mroe ease then Jubilex had ever thought a woman could do with just one arm...as she set him on his ass he was breathign hard from the near death incident...."Like i said i place that would not be acceptable to go outside"..."You could have just said you were holding me prisoner over a bottomless pit rather then just say its unacceptable outside"..but then i wouldnt have had the pleasure of seeing you get what was coming to you wise boy"..."Please stop calling me boy im older then you i would wager and another thing how were you able to lift me with such ease"..."there are many things here that are not anything like what you know of"..."Does anyone give a straight answer around here" said Jubilex..."I see you have learned well of your surroundings young man" said another voice Jubilex thought sounded familar... he turned around to see someone who looked almost identical to Boomsheika with the except of her hair being silver..."As for who is older you are wrong unless you have been alive for longer then a hundred and twenty seasons my young freind"..."WHAT NO WAY!" as he spun to look at Boomshieka standing there who looked no older then himself in fact maybe even a season or to younger..."Do not stare at me silly boy" said Boomshieka not being able to look at the boy in the face because her own was red again and again not with anger..."There is much we must talk about young Jubilex please come with me"...unable to find words due to his confusion he just nodded and followed the young looking lady through a doorway he hadnt noticed before and as they were walking "My name is Tabim and you are in the world of the Ditchen"..."Ditchen? i never heard of ...." as they walked through another door and reach the edge of what appeared to be a large village with women wlaking about and all of the looked exactly the same except for thier hair...."Like i said much to talk about my young friend"...to be continued
What do you want to know exactly?
and my tribe of women are in there! you angel.