slightly regaining conscousness but unable to open his eyes Jubilex hears voices "We found him in the tunnel we are building to the east he was pretty badly hurt"..."Amazing he lived the fall at all nevermind the other injuries he suffered".,.."Where do you think he is from Tabim"...."I dont know Boomshieka probably that mining town above ground"..."what do we do with him"..."well we will just have to"....again he blacks out....Zanti who had managed to lose one of the vile creatures was now corned by another with no where to go..."Come beast i welcome the fight i do not fear you"...It lunges at him he dodges to the left to spring onto its back being flung around he manages to hold his a desperate move to get the man of its back the beast charges straight for the the last second when it was about to swerve Zanti saw his moment of victory and jumped off the beast from the direction it was goin to go making the creature run right into the wall...the sound of bone snapping was all he heard before he himself smacked hard against a tree...Zanti gets to his feet looks at the creature which now lie dead at his feet...everything spins around him and he falls to the ground...Smiling that same smile...Right before he passes out...a voice he hears "yes i can use him he will work for my plan to"...blackness...meanwhile Jubilex wakes up and begin to sit up when a rush of naseau pours over him and he falls back to his back..."ok so gettin up isn't an option right now, but where am i and who were those women i heard talking was it a dream"..."no dream stranger although i am amazed you were able to regain any conscousness at all" said a slender young woman who walked through the curtain which was acting as a door to the room he was in.."you are awake so soon tough are we" said the woman..."i was always told i had a hard head" said Jubilex..."a wise mouth to go with the hard head i see" said the women who Jubilex was starting to realize was quite beautiful..her skin was dark as if a she spent many days in the sun...her hair though was somehting he had never seen before it was a dark orange like that of the glistening sun and her eyes were mezmerizing deep green..."Where am i?" asked Jubilex..."You are safe and when you are fully rested we will talk more assuming you manage to find your manners in your sleep" said the woman..."well i dont know about manners but i can try not letting my tongue fowl your mood umm lady...?" said Jubilex..."Boomshieka now sleep before i make you sleep wise boy" as she stormed out of the room..."well never did understand woman cant imagine that would change with her anymore then it did another woman" getting into a more comfortable position he rolled over saying to what he thought was just him" Atleast i hope ill see her beautiful face again"...Just outside the door boomshieka's cheeks become a little more red although she passes it off as just being angry with the young boy it wasn't anger making her red..."he thinks I'm beautiful what a silly boy" be continued
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 21, 2006
yes i am still around n i do have a constant connect if its after mid… -
Monday Dec 04, 2006
wow totally forgot about this place wonder if anyone still checks my … -
Tuesday Jul 25, 2006
Haha yea sorry i been jumping projects lately and kinda lost that one… -
Sunday Jul 23, 2006
Well i lied bout being on more haha considering i havent made a post … -
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
Ok now im settled back into summer life except im still looking for j… -
Wednesday May 17, 2006
dont knwo how many ppl still check on my profile but quick update...f… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
the story will return after im finally finished my finals and sutff i… -
Friday May 05, 2006
so yea was drinking last night but didn get drunk and as we were play… -
Monday May 01, 2006
so i decided that red/black hair is like an instant turn on to me...a… -
Sunday Apr 30, 2006
holy shit i havent updated in awhile ...well i got absolutly wasted o…
great update, i think jubilex may find he's a lucky guy.
[Edited on Apr 10, 2006 6:05PM]