"Finally a day off man that guy can be a slave driver" said Jubilex..."yea i know i didnt think we would ever have a day to relax" said Zanti..."What are we going to do?"...."Lets go down to the forest:..."But Zanti you know that place is forbidden"..."wheres your sense of adventure Jubi"..."Alright but just for the day that place creeps me out enough when he suns up i would hate to be there when the sun isnt up in that place"..."Oh come on afraid of the darkness are we little bro"..."NO im not afraid its just"...but Zanti interjected" im here with you, you dont need to worry ill protect you"..."Alright lets go" Jubilex figuring his brother's mind was already set on going and not wanting him to go alone lowered his head and started walking with him....reaching the forst in about an hour of walking they begin to just wander about noticing the various animals scurrying from the intruders...Zanti chased one of the smaller ones up a tree and not realizing a bigger more imediate danger looming behind that tree...after running a little ways up the tree he slipped and fell flat on his back...jubilex could hardly contain his laughter "haha serves you right picking on the smaller thing"..."yea yea well atleast im nto looking around like a frightened animal in a cage"..."hey i am not im just curious thats all...a cracking sound of the tree cause the two to look over Zanti's shoulder noticing a large shadow rapidly coming at them...."Run its a Rayiden"...Rayiden similar to the size of a bear but much darker creature indeed this was one of the creatures of the night...Running as fast as they could away Jubilex looking at his brother who is wearing a smile...thinking to himself"why is he not afraid it seems he thinks this is fun but even grown soldiers have fled at the site of such a creature"..."JUBILEX LOOK OUT!"...to much in thought about his brothers smile he didnt noticed he was running straight for another one that had appeared before them...trying to avoid the creature he turned and then it was black...to be continued
Getting ready top play a happy hour set at my local watering hole. Just worked out an old slave song that was actually directions on how to escape via the Underground Railroad (Follow the Drinking Gourd). Gonna break that out aswell as an unfiished song maybe called Dandelion wish inspired by part of
BOXPENGUIN's initial journal entry.